My Healing Journey
My Story
In January of 2021, I learned that a biopsied skin spot on my back had come back as Melanoma skin cancer (the most serious type of skin cancer). After complete surgical removal of the mole and two nearby lymph nodes from my armpit, I was diagnosed as stage IIIA Melanoma as one of the two lymph nodes tested positive for Melanoma. About a month post-surgery, I had scans that came back clear, but it was still recommended that I start one of two conventional medicine options (immunotherapy or two oral target therapy drugs). I was not comfortable with either option and the long list of possible side effects that came along with each one.
I decided to meet with a functional medicine doctor and began an alternative approach to preventing reoccurrence of my Melanoma. I was feeling good about my own health decisions, but my life was further turned upside down when my dad’s health plummeted and I was suddenly faced with having to say goodbye not only to my dad, but also to my mentor, my professional inspiration. My dad was also a clinical social worker and very good at what he did. He had an amazing ability to connect and guide people, both with those he worked with therapeutically, as well as anyone he met. To say it was difficult to lose him would be an understatement.
Around the same time as all this, I discovered a lump in my armpit that began to grow very quickly into a decent size tumor. After much hesitation, I had a second surgery in June 2021 to remove the tumor along with all of the lymph nodes from my armpit. I decided, even though reluctant, to start the two oral target therapy drugs to help prevent reoccurrence. However, while I was healing from my surgery and before starting these drugs, I found another lump above my collarbone (ended up being a supraclavicular lymph node, which after ultrasound my oncologist felt was likely related to my melanoma). I was feeling frustrated and defeated, but not ready to give up.
I felt something was missing in my treatment, so reached out to a friend who had previously offered to do some energy healing for me. I had about 5 Tong Ren (a type of energy healing) sessions and realized my swollen lymph node was no longer enlarged! This happened the same day I started the two oral target therapy drugs. I asked the pharmacist I was working with from the hospital how quickly these drugs are supposed to work. She told me typically within a month or so patients would see results. After hearing this I knew it was not the drugs that caused my lymph node to shrink, but instead the Tong Ren had started to work its magic.
I continued to receive Tong Ren treatments and added in some acupuncture too to help keep everything moving in my body. Once I started the target therapy drugs, I faced some pretty intense side effects. However, they did not last very long and I was able to push through them and stay at the highest dose. Many people on these drugs end up needing to adjust their dose or discontinue use because of the side effects, but I strongly believe Tong Ren and acupuncture allowed me and my body to remain on the target therapy drugs without issues. I am still currently on the target therapy drugs and I have weekly Tong Ren sessions along with monthly acupuncture. I feel great, have good energy and my body feels healthy and strong. I'm certain energy healing and acupuncture is greatly contributing to how I am feeling as well keeping my body healthy and balanced.
After experiencing such amazing results with energy healing, it led me to wanting to share this "magic" with others. I decided to look more into becoming reiki certified as I felt this would also be a great tool to use with my therapy clients. Since this form of energy healing is passed on through the practitioner's hands, it deeply resonates with me. My dad, although not a certified reiki practitioner (I don't even think he knew about reiki), had some healing abilities and would often place his hand on the back of my neck when I use to get migraines as a kid. He would ask if I could feel the "electricity" coming from his hands and I could! It is believed that energy healing ability can also be passed on genetically which encouraged me to be able to offer this treatment modality. When I did my reiki training, as if to offer approval and guidance, there were many signs that my dad was present. It was both a healing and comforting experience.
I strongly feel everything that has happened to me over the past year and a half has brought me to where I need/needed to be. I believe I was meant to get to where I am currently in my life. I now look at my cancer as more of a messenger than a deadly disease. It was the push I needed to shift, make some changes in my life, bring me closer to my dad, as well as place me where I was meant to be professionally.